Bring us to Zion your city in glad song, and to Jerusalem home of your sanctuary in eternal joy
והביאנו לציון עירך ברנה ולירושלים בית מקדשך בשמחת עולם
This beautiful fine art paper laser-cut celebrates JERUSALEM!
No need to be reminded to remember Jerusalem, but. . . .
Here is a laser-cut design of one of my favorite views of the ULTIMATE Jerusalem panoramic vista depicting quintessential historical Jerusalem landmarks like the Temple Mount and the Montefiore Windmill.It’s the view you see when you climb to the top of Mt. Scopus, or pull off the road at a "scenic view" rest stop in Jerusalem.
- Unfraned or Framed laser-cut of original design
- Acid-free paper- Dedication on Mat
- Hand-signed by me, David Fisher
- Paper Size: 16.8" x 11.2" // 42.5 cm X 28.5 cm
- Cutting Size: 11.2" X 5.6" // 28.5 cm X 11.2 cm
- Choice of background color (please see photos)
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